Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My First experience with HK TCM and acupuncture.

My IUI in October 2012 wasnt successful, as expected.

I wasnt particulary devastated but I wasnt ok either.

I went online and decided what the hell, I might as well give TCM (Traditional Chinese Med) a try. If some says it helps with getting pregnant, what do I have got to lose. Quite a few of my frens seemed to give it a shot and some after 5 years of infertility, got down with 2 kids after a year of TCM. TCM takes time. Some says 6months to 1 year depending on your body condition.

So I went googling and narrowed down to this lady.

The whole TCM experience is kinda hard to describe, or rather form a concrete opinion.
When I first visited her, I was just recovering from about of serious cold, sore throat, fever, etc. My body was loaded with antibiotics and tons of meds. She looked at my tongue and pronounced my body is not balanced coz of the thick white coat and it was swollen. She told me she cannot diagnose my true status until my cold is healed. In the end, I was told I was too damp internally. That is also why I have PCOS.

That was in late Oct. So every 14 days interval, I visited her in Nov, Dec for 3 course of Chinese Herbal supplement. We nailed it down to my sleeping pattern and hormones and weak kidney and liver deficiencies. She insisted I needed to sleep by 2am to have my body recover and organs recharged. My sleeping at 5am cycle was damaging.

 She told me to also check my discharge.

Things that your gyn dont tell you if you are going to do IUI and IVF. I have heard alot about white egg like discharge but frankly, I have never seen it for myself. So when she told me to look out for it, i didnt know what to look out for. I mean its like telling a blind person what egg white looks like.

I tried. It was hard but I managed to get to bed by 1am or 2am, depending if the bastards living upstairs will let up on their fucking footsteps at 2am+ and 7am+. I tried politely talking to them, offering to buy rugs and shoes but was turned down and accused of being overly sensitive. Typical HK family. Insisted that they cannot possibly make so much thumping noise just from their footsteps alone...on their fucking cheap old 10+yr wooden floor. I kept my cool and invited her to my place for tea and listen to the noise for herself, just so that I am NOT over paranoid and sensitive and she get the sense of loudness. TYPICAL HK woman laughed at my suggestions and refused me out right. She said it's her living space and she has already been very quiet. What can I say to such people?

So my sleeping cycle aside, I decided to cut down on sugars and desserts. Not that hard really since I only have to reduce cakes.

By Dec 29th, she declared my tongue healthy and pulse getting better on one side but not the other.

In Dec, I also monitored my discharge. She told me to look out for "stretchy" discharge which means I need to check the consistency. I asked exactly what should I look and what define it as stretchy. From what I gathered, it should have texture like your mucous that will stretch between your fingers and not break.

She told me to use my fingers to check my vaginal but luckily for me, I didnt have to. My discharge was hanging so far down and long that it touches the water when I sit down to pee. Well, I grabbed it to  stretch it to be sure and I finally know what it meant by that. Interestingly, it was really crystal clear and almost like eggwhite but less thick and gluey.

TCM doc was happy because she said that my body is redjusting and that is good. What is also good is that I had a faint line on OPK (Ovl prediction kit), first time ever since its always negative. She said its a good sign since some PCOS people will never get a faint ghost line, or they get false 2 lines all the time. The fact that there is a line means there is a surge in my LH but just not peaking high enough.

Then comes Xmas and treatment has to interrupt simce we are both going away.

It's a good thing I am brought up chinese and I like chinese med taste. Though one taste quite horrible and I need to brush my tongue to rid the after taste.

So all I can say is that TCM seem to be correcting my body but i am not sure if that is also to do with me sleeping early... wish me luck. I am gonna miss IVF in Dec since my bloody period have to clash with just the week before my flight back to OZ that xmas week.

Is it God's will that I cannot have a child?

1 comment:

  1. I want to use this means to let the world know that all hope is not lost Getting pregnant after having tubes clamped and burned, I know IVF and Reversal could help but it way too cost, i couldn't afford it either and i so desire to add another baby to my family been trying for 5 years, not until i came across Dr.AGBAZARA TEMPLE, who cast a pregnancy/Fertility spell for me and i got pregnant.l hope that women out there who are going through the same fears and worries l went through in GETTING PREGNANT , will find your contact and be happy like me as i drop it here on this site, and solution will come to them as they contact you. Thank you and God bless you to reach him email via:
    ( agbazara@gmail.com )
