Sunday, January 12, 2014

5weeks 2 days (21dp3dt)


Decided to do a clearblue digital pee stick today. Even though I didn't use the first urine of the day as required, it still says 3+ weeks thankfully which coincide with my 5+ weeks counting. This doesn't say much except my hcg is rising but at what rate, unsure. 

Nothing much has changed. Did experienced a shocking night sweat few nights back. I woke up cold and completely drenched in my thin layer of tshirt in an Aircon room. I was so literally wet all over and I just had to crawl out of bed to get changed. 

What did worry me a little was seeing a very slight pinkish discharge for a couple of nights. I wasn't sure if it was irritation from inserting the endometrin suppositories, which I have found it increasingly harder to stick it up my vagina. At the early weeks, it has been relatively been a breeze to slide the applicator up but this week, I really struggled at the entrance. It's like the damn passageway is refusing easy access.

Other than that, sometimes, I felt like something is stuck at back of my throat in the afternoon but it's gone after I sip water. Initially I Thot it might be morning sickness only to realise that it was part of the side effects from overrating cherries, apart from runny tummy. Oh well.

Starting today, tummy been feeling a little cramp like too. It's more like nagging discomfort rather than actual pain. 

It's 13th jan today. Another 8 days to go before I know the outcome from the u/scan. No point being worried I guess since there's absolutely nothing I can do to change anything. I'm glad I'm moving, so that I have something else concrete to distract me and look forward to, something within my control. 

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