Saturday, August 24, 2013

12dp5dt...Life is immediately back to normal

Ok..the feeling of high is kinda over.
So life is back to normal or as normal as I can try.

Husband was on the ball yesterday after seeing the whole patch of molds on the wall, and he scrubbed so hard that part of the paint came off. That really had me cracking up when he went around calling himself "Muscle man". Then of course as his typical self, he loses steam quickly and went off for a snooze after 1 hour of wall wiping. He was eager to remind me how sweaty he was, to which I reminded him I had wiped 3 bedrooms and ALL the 4 walls by myself previously for the WHOLE day. SO yes, I DO KNOW its hard work. Sometimes, I wonder if my man thinks all I do is skive whole day at home.

Dinner last night at Otto E Mezzo @ HK Landmark Alexander Building was fabulously delicious. I was mindful of possible raw eggs in the sauces so before the waiter could start off, I had to tell him my food restrictions from first min so that he can skip those that aint right for me.

This morning I weighed myself and despite have down 3 cups of water, a bowl of soup, a bowl of fried rice with eggs and half a pear, the weighing scale indicated I am at 50.0kg. What? That would mean I must be weighting 49kg++ before food! How did I lose another 0.2kg from few days back? I had to ask my man into the bathroom to weigh himself to make sure the scale wasnt pulling my leg.

Well apparently the scale was working fine. He claimed it was the right weight for him.
My husband did say physically, he did noticed that I felt slimmer to him.

This is very strange.
Maybe it has to do with cutting all the bread out of my diet as much as possible and eating more regularly? Or is it all the hormones? I wonder if any other expecting mums out there has this issue. Losing weight at the beginning?

Maybe I should start drinking milk.
I havent had a drop of milk since before I started ivf, not even during the 2WW, so that should be over 2 months now.
Maybe milk makes me fat.

I know milk is supposed to be recommended but I still have conflicting thoughts about milk consumption since so many sources are saying it depletes calcium rather than increase...Sigh.

My lips are starting to crack despite downing so much water.
What the heck!

Meanwhile, I am also wondering if I should inform my TCM doctors.
I havent seen them since June. I should tell them the good news but something is holding me back. I also dont know if I should take any herbal supplements from TCM during this period....

Questions and more questions.
I wish there is someone to talk to.

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