Thursday, August 15, 2013

2 days past IVF embryo transfer and drinking coconut still, while munching my dried seaweed.

15th August 2013.  (Thurs)

Today is 2 days past embryo transfer.
I feel fine.

I am no longer nauseous.
I am starting to drink water normally again.
My hunger is back, in normal volume.

I also got back on my feet to get some housechores back in order.
In fact, my man already was waiting for me to cook his pork chop last night while he catches up on his work piling up due to all his leave.

As heaven willed it,  yesterday was Typhoon 8 in Hong Kong.
That means everything shuts down.
That means I get an extra day with my man at home with me without leave.

I am soooo lucky to have my transfer done one day before. Else it would have been cancelled!
If Dr ingrid had not moved my egg retrieval day forward, I may have missed the transfer this time round. Hence, is it destined to have this child in me stay within me? I hope so really!

On Wednesday, I had mild diarrhea.
Gave me a scare and I went to google is that is bad.
Not much info really.
So I stayed off pineapple and kiwi which I suspect was the cause of it since I had it on Tuesday night after a long day of purely soup.

Yesterday, I had chicken soup again and I craved for fried rice.
So my man having the day off cooked fried rice for me, the way I like it with diced carrots, corn, chicken and onions.

I had mine with lotsa ketchup.
I have always like mine with tomato sauce but today I liked it especially more for the sweet sour taste. While he cooked, I did 45mins of stretching and breathing exercise. Life is good, Lol!

The whole day, I kept popping into the kitchen for bites of fried rice and soup.
My body really wanted soup.

At night, I pan fried 3 iberico pork and I ate 2! Lol!
I should have ate vege last nite but I was lazy.

So today, I woke up, fried myself 3 eggs.
I had a craving for capsicum and so I diced up some, mixed with tomatoes and ate them all up minus the yolk. I cooked some chinese spinach in a small bowl too and slurp that up.

Life is back again and slowly trying to get back into the rythmn.
Still thinking if I want to go to my eve language class tonight as I prepare for dinner, and sipping my red dates, longan ginger tea.

Tomorrow I have  an acupuncture appointment.
I read somewhere that having it 3 days past the transfer is not effective but honestly, it doesnt matter, I just like to get out of the house and get my hips moving.

Currently I feel perfectly normal.
No sore breast. No weight gain.
No nothing.
Not even thirst like my previous pregnancy.

I try not to think too much and just focus on positive thoughts.

Time really flies!

Meanwhile, rather than the unhealthy sugary Gatorade which most American hospital seemed to encourage their patients, I opted to drink FRESH coconut water once a day, eat packs of dried seaweed instead. Those should cover my grounds for potassium, sodium and fluid.If you know what is in those packed drinks, you wont want to include all that in your body which is now the sacred temple for your baby. At the same time, I'm downing like about close to 2 litres of water per day. They say water helps the embryo cell division to work. I hope they know what they are saying!

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