Thursday, August 1, 2013

My IVF injection doctor followup #1 @ HK Sanatorium

1st Aug 2013.

Time to meet Dr Ingrid for my first followup after 4 days of stim. injection.

The oddest thing about the procedure here is that the nurses will prep u for the scan first before seeing the doctor. So that means, I will greet my doc with my legs wide open each time. I just found it kinda weird and rude to say hi with legs wide apart but that's just me being a prude. Hahaha.

Jokes aside, we were both happy to see each other. I assume Dr Ingrid is happy too since she had such a lovely smile. She looks very pretty when she smile actually:) Her trip was good and I was happy to hear that.

So begins the investigation and knowing how much ultrascan hurts for me, she went in gently with Mr Probing Wandy. On the screen, I could see round follicles. I could see quite a few actually Yeah. More than 3 for sure as compared to IUI process. She took the measurements and it was about between 7-8-9mm wide on both sides on Day 5. I think there are about 10-11 follicles on each side if I rem correctly, but I tend to forget since we didnt talk about it.

What we did discuss was that she was happy with the growth rate, and that she would continue with the same dosage for the next 2 days until she sees me on Sat 3rd Aug to review my progress. Again, she shared that because of PCOS, that's why we started on low dosage but it seems to work for me. I trust her implicitly.

She asked me as well if my partner will be freezing his sperms and i told her prob not, since he can produce on demand so long he has his porn. We all had a good laugh:)

So my injection resumes..

My blood work report on Day 2 of my period came back.

FSH = 4.1
Estradiol = 64

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