Tuesday, August 13, 2013

IVF Embryo Transfer Day!

13 August 2013. (Tuesday)

Today's the day!!!

I am having my baby transfered back into me!!!

I dont mind 13th. 13th has always been a good number for me.

It is brewing a huge storm in Hong kong right now with potential to hit T8. It's T3 today and I am happy because it means my transfer will go on as per normal! Thank GOD!!

The rain was light as we made our way to the hospital. My man suggested a cab but I said no. I said I didnt want to stress about traffic jam and a good light walk is good for my blood circulation...hopefully. Lol.

I am LUCKY. I really am because it started pissing down buckets once I am safely into the hospital. My poor man couldnt grab a cab from the Long Q and so he had to walk halfway home before he could catch a cab. I told him to go back since I prefer he get some food ready for me than waste his time next to me.

It was a good choice since instead of 2pm, my transfer didnt start till 2.30pm onwards.
I was hungry but didnt dare to eat since it might not arrive on time. So i drank water but i wasnt in the mood of water. Instead I did some stretches and breathing exercises instead on my bed.

I met Dr Ingrid just outside her changing room and she asked if everything was fine. I told her it was fine except for the slight nausea feeling after the hCg jab which she nodded and said yeah that's normal. She asked if there were bloat or pain and I happily said no. So we strolled into the op room together and I was preped to lay down.

Dr ingrid asked my name again and the SOP questions to verify identity.
The lab lady came in and informed the doctor something.

I am still in the dark as to how many of my remaining 6 eggs made it to Day 5.

Dr Ingrid turned to announce that I have 4 eggs that made it to day 5, though some are still in the morula stage which she said is fine. So she is going to transfer 1 embryo and freeze the other 3.
Again, the one that is naturally fertilised will be frozen individually while the ICSI ones will be frozen in pair.

The one that will be transfered is the one that is fertilised naturally.
My man will be pleased. Hahaha.

The part I hate is the spectulum being inserted. I cramp up as usual and the nurse tried to get me to relax. Easier said than done lady. It took a few deep breaths to calm myself down and I was wondering what was taking the lab lady sooo long to just bring my embryo over.

They adjusted the ultrascan screen so that I have a partial view.
I didnt see the insertion of the tube but I definitely saw the embryo as a bright shining star inside me.

To be honest, I didnt feel particularly emotional but I was wondering why its sooo bright on the screen! They froze the screen and told me "The bright spot is your embryo"

Cool! So now I am pregnant so to speak. Heeee heeee

They wheel in my bed and had me gently move over from the op bed to my own bed and wheeled me back to my nice corner. The nurse said I can get up after 30mins but I laid there for an hour. I was practising my deep breathing and after that went for a pee. I was really hungry so I order a chicken soup.

It was quite funny because the nurse who came to take my order was discussing what soup to order. she told me winter melon is not good idea and alot of the otehr soup had vege that she is unsure if its good for me coz its too cooling. How sweet of her!! Suddenly, she rem there should be a pure chicken soup and flipped thru the menu and finally found it! How awesome is that! So happily I laid in bed and waited for my hot soup

It didnt taste as good as St theresa hospital soup but it was good enough for me. It felt nice to have warm soup!!

By the time I was done, changed and ready to pay, the rain has stopped!! OMG!!!

The nurse gave me advice on Food Prohibition.
- NO papaya
- NO banana
- Prefer NO white veges
- Prefer NO watermelon.
- Prefer no raw food or things that may cause tummy upset.

I have to head back to check my progestrone level on monday 19th Aug (Mon), and finally the Hcg blood test on 26th Aug (Mon).

I took the elevator and I beat the crowd from the next elevator reaching ground floor. I brisk walk to the taxi Q and again thank GOD! There are empty cabs waiting and I am first in line! Talk about smooth and good timing.

I am really praying my good luck will hold and have this baby successfully with implantation.
The last time I had chemical preganancy, I had a lot of things working against me. I ate papaya, I ate iburphen for my cold, and alot of other crap for my cold.

This time round I am careful about my food and I am praying, and hoping that if god had made everything so smooth for me this whole time, please let me have a successful healthy birth too.

Of course at the back of my mind I had to stay rationale.
More than 60% of the patients for IVF first time fail.

So I am really hoping and praying for a miracle for both my man and I to cheer about not just in 2 weeks time, but in 9 months time.

I dont dare to get my hopes up because everytime when I get happy or excited, my joy always get taken away from me. It's almost like I cannot be excessively happy and I need to be in low profile about it. My man gets it and he too understand why I dont want to tell anyone about it.

I'm not obsessed about checking symptoms but I did check what are food to eat.

Wish me luck people.

1 comment:

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