Monday, August 26, 2013

14dp5dt... can't believe I'm at this 2 weeks BFP milestone.

27 August 2013 (Tues)

Today marks exactly 14 days have passed since my 5 day embryo transfer. I'm still alittle wary and feeling surreal because all I had was a phone call last week to tell me I was pregnant.

Congratulations, you should be 4 weeks, 4 days, pregnant!

Since thankfully I still havent had much symptoms (I read it kicks in at 6 weeks and I'm only at my 4th), I needed some mental assurance and did another HPT today, just to convince myself my baby embryo is still there! Yes, the HPT line has grown much darker and even more than the horizontal control line now. Phew! I felt abit more relieved seeing a darker line.

However, I keep telling myself I'm not out of the woods yet. the next 2-3 weeks are critical.
A thousand and one thoughts flashes through my head. Alot of what ifs...and all I can do is pray.

In the day, I'm generally feeling normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. However, it did slowly come to a slow realisation that I tend to feel a little unwell with my tummy by night time after 11pm. It has been like a standard routine. I dont think its cramp. Then again I dont suffer from much period cramp to know if what I have is considered as cramp. So all I can say is that, it felt like I needed to clear my bowel kind of heavy feeling.

All I need to do though is to lay down in a fetal position and take deep breaths. The feeling of heaviness and discomfort will pass after about 10-15mins.

What I do notice down is that I seem to establish a routine of going to bed about 12.30am, getting up to pee about 3 or 4am in the morning, and then I will sleep till about 9am where my brain just wakes automatically. I dont feel particularly tired but last night was a bit of a torture because my husband snores woke me up at 3am and I couldnt fall back asleep till very much later...

I'm still heading to the loo like clockwork now every morning but it has been less firm than I like these few days. Not sure why since I havent changed my diet much except for the increase of water from normal.

Diet Appetite:
It's kind of strange but I think I am eating like clockwork too. At 11am, at 2 or 3pm, at 5pm, at 7-8pm. During the first 10days, I ewas constantly hungry, I ATE ALOT. Now, I felt like its kind of slowing down. Every time my tummy starts to feel a little "off" (like tummy ache) I would grab something like fruits or soup and will feel instantly better.

Still am not eating crackers because I dont like processed food. Plus I have never been a snack eater except for ice cream and cakes, so I need to formulate what to have for munchies soon...

My water in take is also slowing down. However, I do make an attempt to drink something every 1-2 hours.

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