Today, I went out to get myself some celery. I just feel that I have not been getting enough greens....which prob explain my loose stool. Also, I read an article that indicated that diarrhea is an indication of low folic acid and that the baby neural tube defect (NTD) is due to low folic acid intake. However, what most people didnt realise is that the closing of the spinal cord supposedly ends about 5-6 weeks into the early pregnancy!!!
When I think back...crap...I better up my fresh level and so I thought while I HATE THE RAW taste of celery (my least fav veg), I could put up with it if I juice it.
So for lunch to go with my 2 fried eggs white, I juiced 5 stalks of celery, 1 stalk of asparagus, half an apple (to lower the sugar level in the juice), and 4 slices of mandarin. I forgot the lemon but it will do. It tasted quite nice actually. Dont quite know where the salty flavour comes from though.
I guess I have better start juicing a glass of celery a day to up my folic acid since I dont know how much is destroyed in the process of stir frying my asparagus.
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